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This talented upcoming artiste is steadily making a name for himself on the dancehall scene. Which is no doubt one of the reasons he caught the eyes of the Sumfest organisers who have him confirmed as one of their young acts on the festival.
Charly Blacks will be making his Sumfest debut Dancehall Night on Thursday, July 23 at Catherine Hall Entertainment Complex.
Charly Blacks stamped an indelible mark on the dancehall scene since his hit single Nuff Nuff Luv was released in 2007 on the Nuff Luv Riddim produced by Mark Bartley of Bass Odyssey Entertainment. Charly Blacks stormed unto the dancehall scene, captivating audiences worldwide with his inimitable voice and unforgettable stage performance.
Born Desmond Mendez April 6, 1980, in Rio Bueno, Trelawny, he attended Rio Bueno Primary and High School. He started singing at age five; winning countless singing competitions thus proving that he will be a great talent in years to come.
His determination kept him in the studios creating irresistible melodic lyrics. He recorded Going To The Party, Back Shot Time, Bubble and Girl I Love You in 2008. Most recently in 2009, he has recorded Rich This Year and Money Dreama which have been getting heavy airplay. He continued to perform and develop his stage performances while laying the groundwork for his most recent accomplishments. Charly Blacks joined Bass Odyssey Entertainment in 2005 and has proven to be one of the best MC/Selectors in the world. Bass Odyssey was instrumental in the development and grooming of Charly Blacks, he is still one of their MC/Selectors to date.
Charly Blacks has matured into one of the best entertainers Jamaica has produced, commanding a level of respect and credibility that will make him a strong force to reckon with on the international stage. His thought-provoking, heartfelt lyrics, coupled with his matured, energetic stagemanship makes him one of the most charismatic entertainers around today. One only had to witness him in action at Sting 2007, Sting 2008 and GT Taylor Christmas Extravaganza in Jamaica.
He has performed in New Jersey, New York, Texas, Florida, Boston, St Lucia, St Vincent, and has shared the stage with many acts which include, Mavado, Bounty Killer, Junior Reid, Vybz Kartel, Tarrus Riley, Turbulance, Assasin, Jose Wales, Munga, Mikeylous and Dadda. Charly Blacks pursues the highest musical standards and his mission is to spread authentic Jamaican reggae music, keeping the feel of the music alive through his voice.
Written by: jahknoradio
6:00 am - 9:00 am
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