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Batman v Superman isn’t going to win any fancy awards, based on the way that the critics are already tearing it apart after this week’s press screenings, but in the very end, the studios are going to judge the film’s success or failure by one thing: money. And in that department, the latest DC movie is off to a great start. The Hollywood Reporter reports that the movie is raking in the cash overseas, a day before it hits U.S. theaters.
By Thursday evening, Eastern Standard Time, the movie had pulled more than $7 million from 10 international territories where it was already playing. That sum is enough to beat out the international opening for Deadpool a few weeks back, and that movie went on to break box office records for an R-rated film, as we’ve already told you.
The film is doing strong numbers in Europe, and especially Spain, despite fears that this week’s terror attacks in Belgium might keep moviegoers at home. It has to be really good news for Warner Bros., considering that Batman v Superman cost an astronomical amount of money to make. Collider reported way back in 2014 that the movie was going to be made for $131 million, though the final price tag for Zack Snyder’s film was reportedly more than $250 million (though still less than Avengers 2’s $279.9 million budget). Factor in the cost of marketing that beast, and you’re talking about even more.
The Wrap says that the studio is expecting the movie to bring in $140 million domestically in its opening weekend, while analysts think it could make as much as $350 million worldwide. The movie will open on a whopping 4,200 theaters across North America and more than 29,000 around the globe.
Written by: jahknoradio
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